Utilising the flexibility of the Agilis Feeders on our Mydata MY100 surface mount machine Auwell has the ability to produce rapid prototypes within hours of the pcb being manufactured.
Components can also be hand placed onto the screen printed solder paste. Boards are then reflowed through the TSM Reflow oven.
Auwell Electronics has the expertise and equipment
to provide a complete range of manufacturing services
Auwell Electronics has the expertise and equipment to provide a complete range of manufacturing services from double sided surface mount component placement to cable assemblies. Our manufacturing services include:-
Double and Single sided surface mount assembly
Conventional through hole assembly either by wave soldering or hand soldering
Auwell Electronics Limited has been providing contract electronic manufacturing services and printed circuit board manufacture since 1977. Based in Stonehouse Gloucestershire the company has specialised in low/medium volume, high quality pcb assembly. Having its own pcb manufacturing facility greatly reduces lead times to customers. Major recent investment in the latest manufacturing technology has enabled Auwell to remain at the forefront of contract manufacturing, with all key processes being offered in house. The ability to work closely with our customers from design concept to finished product backup up by our modern in house facilities is a huge benefit for clients.